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How to Prepare for your Headshot (5 Tips)

Have you ever looked back on a photo of yourself and think ‘ugh- do I really look like that?’ I can assure that you don’t! 

Photography has an incredible power in that, when harnessed correctly- it can bring out the most flattering version of you; a person you may not even recognise (in a good way!) But if done incorrectly, can make you cringe at yourself! 

Professional photographers know the secrets behind how to consistently take those ‘good photos’ using lighting, angles and posing. Through my experience, I have also come up with some tips to help you prepare for your photoshoot so you can be confident your headshot will always meet expectations.

Have you ever looked back on photos and noticed you pulled a nervous smile, repetitively in every shot? Or perhaps way the lighting created some unflattering shadows on your face and you regretted it? We have all been there- don’t worry! By moving your face and changing your expression between clicks, you’ll increase the likelihood that you’ll find an facial expression that worked- rather than just having multiple versions of the same smile that you don’t like. 

Try cycling between a wide smile, soft smile and a resting face. You can move your face to the left, centre and right. Look at the camera and away. You can even change the way you hold your arms. The key is to try and continuously change your pose as the shutter clicks in any way you can. A professional photographer will instruct you to do all this, but it’s good to be aware of for when you’re taking photos uninstructed as well!


Choose the Right Outfit

When taking a headshot, you want to ensure your face is the focal point of the image. Everything else should merely serve to accompany that. 

Avoid outfits with loud patterns, ruffles, slogans or anything that will be distracting to the eye. You want the viewer’s attention to be immediately directed to you– not your outfit. 

Ensure your outfit is aligned with your brand. If you’re a doctor then you’d want to wear a white coat. For a lawyer, you’d want a freshly ironed suit and tie. While it’s important to dress to stand out amongst the crowd, you don’t want to confuse your potential clients by straying away from your brand.

Also, you want to ensure that the colour you’re wearing doesn’t wash out your skin tone. For pink skin tones, try to avoid yellows or oranges. For darker skin tones, you’d want to avoid wearing browns. If you want to play it safe, stick to neutrals like black, white, cream or navy. 

Headshots in Melbourne by Vanessa Claire

Bring A Change of Clothes

professional headshot in melbourne

It’s not unusual that your headshot photography session will be scheduled during or after a busy work day. You may be hot, sweat from your daily grind, and perhaps a bit nervous. There’s nothing worse than looking back at photos of yourself and realising you have sweat patches under your arms! Many photographers will have the ability to photoshop this out, but it’s always better to get the photo right from the beginning. 

Make sure to being an extra change of clothes- or at least a shirt. Not only will this create a more appealing photograph, but feeling fresh in a new set of clothes will help you feel more relaxed. The more relaxed you feel, the better your headshot will turn out.

It’s also a great idea to bring a hair brush to tidy up your hair, as well as some blotching pads to wipe away any oil or sweat from your face. 

Skin and Makeup for Headshots

The most important rule for skin and makeup for headshots is to avoid trying anything new! Whether it’s a miraculous anti ageing cream, a glow-up at a salon or simply a new foundation- you never know how your skin is going to react. Often, it may cause more harm than good- resulting in a headshot disaster! 

Stick to the same products and routines you are used to. You can however, apply makeup a bit more liberally- especially for studio headshots, since the lighting can wash out your makeup.

Try to avoid glowing or dewey foundations, and instead opt for a matt version, as studio lighting can cause unwanted shine. Bring a translucent powder along to the shoot and apply it about 10 minutes before your photo. Make sure your powder is a similar shade to your skin colour. If you choose one that is too light, it can create a phenomenon known as ‘flash back’. 

Headshots in Geelong by Vanessa Claire Photography

Communication is Key

Most importantly, ensure to communicate any concerns you have to your headshot photographer. Our goal, first and foremost, is to provide you with an image that you’re happy with. 

If you have a certain side of your face you prefer photographed, or want us to edit out a particular feature- make sure you tell us. 

If you’re unsure about which outfit to wear or how to style your hair and makeup- you’re always more than welcome to send an email or give us a call beforehand. A professional photographer’s skills lie beyond simply taking a photo. We are here to consult you in the preparation process, as well after after you’ve had your photo- if you have any photoshopping requests. 

Your headshot is a powerful branding tool and if harnessed correctly, can catapult your success as an professional. 

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Professional Headshots in Melbourne

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